Thursday, September 16, 2010

A time to relax

Does anybody else find it hard to relax? I constantly read how every once in a while, everybody should step away from what they're doing and just relax... take a few deep breaths... clear your mind of troubles... and yet somehow, I can only manage to do this for a little bit, before my mind wanders off on to any number of topics. I often find it hard to fall asleep because I can't seem to get my mind to relax. To stop it from thinking basically. Its quite annoying. Is this stress? Or is it maybe a habit? Maybe I have more problems or worries than I think I do, and my mind is trying to bring attention to them. I do need to get going with school, and finding the ever important job, but aside from that, no troubles, really.

Someone tell me I'm not alone in this. That other people have minds that just never seem to stop. Maybe my mind is just too used to constant stimulation. I have my own computor, a nice TV, and an Xbox 360, all in my room separated from the main house. Theres is never a lack of things to do. Is that bad for me maybe? All this time surfing the web while the TV is on, or music is playing. Maybe I'm too used to this constant stimulation. I'd like to stop, or tone it down a bit, but whats the point in ever being bored, when I have all forms of media at my fingertips? There is none. But maybe I' wrong about all this, and its just how my brain is wired. Well then I'm glad to have this blog to rant on about it.

The one thing that can help me relax without fail, is a nice, slow song, with alot of meaning behind the lyrics. Lots of stuff from the 80s seems to do the trick. Maybe its the fact that its relaxing and soothing, but at the same, is stimulating? I tend to bend alot of lyrics into somehow being able to relate to them in my life. Somehow, it works. Whatever the case, as long as I have a good song to listen to, relaxing is always an option.

Thats it for now. It seems to me like my thoughts are all over the place, I apologize for that.


  1. i find it really hard to relax when i lay down to sleep at night :(

  2. i usually find myself laying awake in bed for around an hour before i finally drift off.

  3. I never remember being able to fall asleep fast...

  4. Yeah i know how you feel sometimes. It can be tough to relax because theres so many things distracting us. Maybe were all insane and the only thing that is driving society are the everyday distractions that keep us all busy.

    Theres no more sound of silence, its actually just the static coming from your mobile devices, laptops, t.v.'s and whatever else is going on in your mind

  5. I know what you mean, my mind is constantly whirring with thought D:

    I like to listen to post-rock when I intend on a bit of relaxation. Bands like Sigur Ros, This will destroy you and Mogwai are really calming :)

  6. Your mind wanders to other subjects because: you've got other things on your mind. Relaxing is not having anything of particular taste on your mind at any time. Do you do drugs? If you do, try stepping away from them for a bit. It will clear your mind from outside effects and let your mind get some rest. If you don't, you might want to try them. I really wouldn't know where I would be now if I didn't have some kind of escape from reality. Honestly, drugs (not heavy ones) have really helped me see the world for how it really is.

    Otherwise, good luck to you.

  7. I always feel stressed even though I shouldn't. great blog, i followed

  8. yea relaxing is sometimes really hard for others too - you're not alone in this.

  9. Pretty common. Sometimes you might find a certain activity that helps you clear your mind. For me it is the piano.

  10. I concur with you, when I try to sleep I stress about not getting enough sleep which causes me to think resulting in even less sleep. Glad to see I'm not alone. =)

  11. Well I don't do any drugs, and I've told myself I never will, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious to try them. What kind are you talking about.

    And thanks for the comments. Glad it isn't only me.

  12. i hear that.. it can be tough to relax.. so true..

  13. wow I never thought about it like that! I have my own tv and xbox too and I agree that having these things provides you constant stimulation and no time really remains to just sit back, relax and what not. I do a bit of weed every now and then and I think that kind of prevents me from turning into some sort of nervous kid that's full of everything!

  14. Listen to This Will Destroy You. ;)

  15. For wicked Cleon and his wife, when fame Following!

  16. Or die in the adventure, be my helps, Following!
